7 Oceans marketing is providing the best SEO Audit Services in Islamabad

SEO Audit

Getting involved in digital marketing business requires a lot of working at the back end. It takes sweat and blood to keep your businesses alive in this cut-throat competitive digital world. Every business is thriving to gain the best of the best out of market. There are huge numbers of options available that fall under the wide umbrella of Digital Marketing. From running a business on social media to having a dedicated website, people are making sure to grab every opportunity of expanding their businesses and increasing sales plus conversions.

Search Engine Optimization is gaining importance in online business community. More and more people want their business websites to get ranked in top search engines like Google. To get this done they avail different SEO services available with digital marketing. Once you get the ranking in search engine you make your business website visible and reachable to potential customers. Google is a hugely used search engine in the world because it only list and rank the websites which fulfill the Search Engine Optimization criteria set by it. The main game-changers of ranking a website on Google search engine and other search engine are relevant and target keywords. Customers look for target keywords or phrases which lead them to visit your business website if matched. Therefore, now all the search engines including Google follow the strict policy.

Anyhow, ranking a website on search engine is end of the story. There are further technical steps one should consider to ensure the presence and visibility of the website on search engines. The internet business or online business competition is so tough that despite getting high ranking on search engine your website might start losing visibility. It is like getting lost in the ocean of online businesses without even knowing it.

What to do if you and your business website are facing such problem? Or, what should be the first step in the auditing process?

To tackle this issue, a thorough and comprehensive Search Engine Optimization Audit is carried out by the companies offering SEO audit services. Search Engine Optimization Audit is performed by experts to identify the loose ends and short-comings of the backend of a website which are creating hurdle for you and customers to reach out to each other. This is quite a technical area and only technically sound SEO experts can carry-out a full-fledge SEO audit.

The SEO Audit takes at least 2-6 weeks’ time. It is because SEO Audit let experts identify as many foundational issues as possible. Finding these issues is essential because they are affecting organic search performance and health of your business website. A thorough SEO audit is a standard procedure that should be performed on regular basis to keep your online presence intact.

Search Engine Optimization Audit is a very technical task to be carried out and therefore, the businesses should be very careful in choosing SEO services providers. But worry not, 7 Oceans Marketing take pride in serving you our expertise in each field of Search Engine Optimization including local SEO audit.

To get your SEO Audit done by the outstanding SEO experts Contact Us now.

1. Our SEO experts understand the high-end technicalities attached with SEO audit. They know that missing a tiny piece can ruin the whole effort of getting things right for your website. Our experts will run a comprehensive SEO audit of your business website to find the structural and content issues affecting the overall SEO visibility of your business website. Our team of experts will get you the real and big picture of what is happening at the back of the website and what is disturbing the current state of your SEO.

2. At 7 Oceans Marketing you will find best SEO Audit services designed especially for our clients by our SEO professionals. Our experts will try to generate as simple and easy-to-understand SEO Audit report so that you as a business owner would comprehend the SEO problems which are affecting your online presence, priorities, goals and overall revenue.

3. Once the foundational SEO issues of the website are identified, our experts will pile a list of actionable recommendations. They will prepare a SEO rank reporting which will have a roadmap of tackling these SEO issues found as a result of SEO Audit which will instill a Path to Completion with each recommendation. It will also give you a clear picture of end impact associated with these recommendations.

4. As a result of SEO audit analysis report, you will get to know about Technical SEO issues, Website Structure issues, On-Page SEO issues, Potential Off-Site issues, User Experience issues, Content Gaps and Opportunities issues, and Competitive Marketplace Insights. Our experts will explain all these SEO issues to you and will prepare a report of recommendations for each of the problem.

5. A basic technical SEO audit analysis reveals problems with sitemaps, server error, and metadata. But a high-level website audit checklist covers Accessibility, Indexation, and Optimization. Our experts are highly trained in carrying out both audits.

6. The overall website assessment or SEO audit is divided into three main steps; Technical Audit, On-Page Audit and Server Log Audit. All these three are in-depth audits which expose issues associated with over 193 different aspects of SEO. Our experts are professionals in performing all these in-depth SEO audits for your website.

7. Different businesses have different problems, similarly, each SEO audit reveal a different issue to be revolved. Once our experts are done with deep SEO audit, they will walk you through the issues they find so that you can get an insight of what can possible cause a problem in future. Then our experts will give you a comprehensive site analysis of your website’s online health.

8. As a business owner you might be well familiar with the cost of getting SEO audit done. We try to provide the best SEO audit prices in the market so that your online business keeps on flourishing without any SEO constraint.


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