Social media remains an effective form of marketing for online businesses. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest have the potential to reach millions of people. Also, social media platforms are free to use. Providing you are dedicated and willing to put in the effort, you can create an effective social media marketing campaign.
If you are struggling to find inspiration for your social media campaign, we have listed six simple tips below. These tips will help greatly improve the effectiveness of your social media with minimal effort!
1. Include images, video, and audio in your posts
It is a well-researched fact that social media posts and content perform better if they contain digital media. Users are far less likely to read or share a post if it is plain text. As a bare minimum, you should aim to include an image in your social media posts. This should also include your business logo and other branding. You can use tools like Logocreator.io and Canva to create free branding. Also, you could incorporate embedded YouTube videos too.
2. Create a regular posting schedule
One of the best things you can do to boost your social media engagement is to post regularly. Social media platforms, and also search engines are more likely to promote your content if you remain active on the platforms. Ideally, you should aim to post daily on your different social media platforms. You can utilize tools like Hootsuite to manage your accounts and even create automated posting schedules.
3. Include backlinks to your website and products/services
Social media provides an excellent way to create backlinks and boost engagement to your other online content. You should aim to promote your website, blog, and other external media in your social media content. For example, you can include links to your website on your Instagram profile. Also, you can insert links to your online content in your social media posts. Always ensure that the links are relevant, however – don’t just spam links meaninglessly!
4. Give your users some type of reward
It is a known fact that more people are likely to interact and share your content if you give them some kind of reward. The rewards don’t have to be huge, but they should give some real value to the customer. A simple example is giving a discount on your products to the first 100 people who like and share one of your social media posts.
5. Ask your readers opinion and for feedback
Customers want to know that their opinions are heard and matter. The beauty of social media is that you can directly interact with your customers. No other type of marketing gives you this level of contact. If your users leave a reply or give their opinion, always react to it. Also, ensure that you take on board the feedback provided as this can help improve your products and services.
6. Respond to all comments and interactions
Finally, it is vital that you respond to all interactions on your social media platforms. For example, on Facebook, you should reply to comments on your posts, and also use interactions like the like button to show your approval. Always try and respond to comments as this shows your users that you value their input. It will also help boost the engagement of your content and should help with SEO rankings too.
If you use the above tips, you can ensure your social media marketing campaign remains effective. This will improve engagement, and boost your reputation. Also, it should help reduce your marketing expenditure, allowing you to spend funds elsewhere on your business.