How To Do a Keyword Research for Shopify Store

Keyword research is an important part of SEO. After you have an e-commerce store or a website for any business, your next concern is to make it visible in the crowded world of the internet. If your online store does not show in the search results, then this means that virtually you do not have a business. So, this is where the role of search engine optimization comes, which helps you rank your webpages or content in the search results of the search engines. This blog aims to help you with keyword research for Shopify store.
Ads versus Search Engine Optimization
Now, you must be thinking about the different types of ads that you can use on search engines and social networks to get traffic to your website. But running ads will cost you money. The traffic you get this way is called inorganic traffic in the jargon of marketing. However, if you implement SEO on your content and website, then the traffic that you will get this way will not cost you an amount. The traffic you get using SEO strategies is organic traffic. You get this traffic if your website or blog content ranks higher in the search engines. If you very proficiently perform the SEO of your website, you will not have to spend a dime on ads and marketing.
Keyword Research
Keyword research is the basis for search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is a specialized field that helps you learn ways for optimizing your content, videos, and website so that they rank higher in the search results produced by the search engines. To get the best results out from search engine optimization, you need to conduct keyword research properly. Then you will optimize your blog content, webpages, and videos with the most relevant keywords. This way you can generate volumes of passive traffic to your website, as the ranking of your content improves in the search engines.
It is not that you can always guess keywords that can drive your content to the top ranks in the search results. You will certainly have to use certain specialized tools that will help you find the right keywords for your new content. The bottom line is to not just randomly choose and sprinkle keywords everywhere in your content as this won’t help to rank your content. You must use those keywords strategically in your content.
Types of SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) not only applies to your blog content, but you will have to apply it to your webpages. Even you must apply technical SEO techniques on your website so that it ranks in the search results.
Using Keyword Research Tools
Ahref is a paid tool for keyword research. On the other hand, the Google Keyword Planner tool is free to use for keyword research. But Ahref is notably more reliable compared with the Google Keyword Planner Tool. What sets apart Ahref is also the clear, accessible, and concise organization of the keyword data. This is the leading content marketing tool used in the industry. Moreover, you can also avail of its 7-day trial, which will cost you only 7$. After logging into Ahrefs, click on the Keyword Explorer tab. This is where you will find the information you need to optimize your Shopify store. This software will show you a list of keywords. There you will find out the keywords with more search volume, and low competition. You should pick those keywords and adjust them in your content.
Define Your Target Market
You cannot pick the right keywords without knowing your target market. A niche area is a particular segment of the market where you sell your products. A niche area comprises many details, such as the design and price range of your product, the demographics of your target customers, and so on. Market broadly refers to the main industry where your product belongs. A niche market is the subdomain of that market, the type of product from that product category that you aim to sell. This is one of the preliminary steps without which you cannot proceed forward. It is critical to know about the niche area of your product as this is the starting point of your business, making you know about your competitors, and helping you determine your target market.
Using Longtail Keywords
It is always better to use longtail keywords in your content. Using short-tail keywords will make the content lose focus. You must keep the content directed toward a specific audience, who will eventually purchase the product you sell on Shopify. For that purpose, it is best to use long-tail keywords in your content, so that it shows in the relevant search results. Most of the searches on the internet are in the form of long-tail keywords. You should ideally make a list of several hundred long-tail keywords and organize them into distinct groups. You can also get a list of long-tail keywords to choose from using the tool.
Content Marketing
You can finally link that content with the pages where you have listed the products you are selling. By putting optimized content on your Shopify site, you get more traffic to it. Make sure that you have adequately put product descriptions on the pages listing the products.
Content on the Product Descriptions Page
You can also use those keywords in the product descriptions, without stuffing them with the same. Rather, it will be better to write a piece of content separately on the category page, which has the relevant keywords. So, you will use the keywords in your blog, product descriptions, and the category page.
So, this is how keyword research helps you market products of your Shopify store. For further consultation on the same, get in touch with our SEO experts soon.



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