How to Do Business with Amazon Pakistan - 7 Oceans Marketing - Real Estate Marketing Pakistan
Amazon Pakistan

How to Do Business with Amazon Pakistan

Indeed, Amazon is the biggest e-commerce giant in the world. Amazon has been named as the forth ‘Big Tech’ giant after Google, Facebook and Apple. These four companies are known as ‘Big Tech’ because of their global presence in the tech market.

Amazon is the biggest online store that includes all variety of different products of different niche. Started as an online bookstore back in 1994, Amazon has now become the biggest name in Online Business Market. Although, Amazon serves all over the world but it has dedicated operational marketplaces in United States, the United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Germany, Canada, Spain, Italy, Japan, Australia, China, Japan, India and Mexico.

In the list of the countries where Amazon has dedicated operational markets, Pakistan is missing. There are multiple reasons why Pakistan didn’t make it to the list and why Amazon has ignored the country despite its having strong presence in the neighboring country India. One of the biggest reasons is the size of economy. The size of economy of Pakistan is not as huge its population.

Anyhow, although Amazon does not have an official presence in Pakistan, you still can enjoy selling and buying products on Amazon Pakistan through third party. Amazon Pakistan officially doesn’t exist in the country but yet people are earning money through it.

This article focuses on doing business with Amazon .

Doing business with any online store is generally termed as affiliate marketing. But affiliate marketing has its own nitty-gritties to consider. Amazon allows people in Pakistan to do affiliate marketing. All you do it that you promote best-selling products of Amazon. The more people land on the page, the more chances are there for you to generate money.

Although, Amazon ships limited or selected products to Pakistan but it does not stop you from selling through their website. For that you need to be fully-aware of the things required to do promotion of the products.

Here are a few tips on how to do business with amazon in Pakistan?

1. Know about Squidoo:

Squidoo is the necessary tool that you need to focus on before starting selling business with Amazon. Although, it has been acquired by HubPages now, but still it is used to generate traffic. The article and reviews posted on it are called lenses. It was brief information about Squidoo.
Now let’s get back to our main article.

Why is important to know about Squidoo/HubPage?

First of all, it is free of cost and provides a user-friendly navigation experience.
Second important thing is that it has all the essential tools required to promote products.
Third important feature is the attractive website design where you can set your lenses (article/reviews) straight.

How you can use Squidoo/HubPage in your favor?

Pick the best selling products from Amazon and write a comprehensive and attractive review about it and then post it on Squidoo/Hubpage. By doing so, you increase your chances of conversion rate as well as traffic. Adding attractive images and videos to the lens gives a fresh feel to your review.

Most of the people of Pakistan are doing this type of affiliate marketing with Amazon Pakistan.

2. Know Your Niche:

Amazon would be having variety of best-selling products because it is a huge online marketplace. You cannot pick all the products and promote it for business purpose. For that it is better to simplify things for you. Narrow down the categories of products you want to promote.

It is best advised that you build a niche and start promoting products based on the preferences of it. This will help you as a beginner and later on you can go diverse.

Make a separate website for the niche. For instance, you target Smart Mobile Phones users/lovers. Now start writing and posting reviews about best-selling smart phone on Amazon on your website. Put attractive images and videos to enhance the experience of traffic

3. Amazon Warehouse:

If you have physical product which is already in the market or in other world if you already running a business but still looking for making some extra money then Amazon Warehouse is the place for you.
Indeed, Amazon has huge market capture and reach to almost everywhere in the world. Therefore, it is best option to start business with Amazon from Pakistan.

For this purpose Amazon has a separate program known as Amazon FBA, which many people consider as a game-changer. Through this program you can send your inventory product to Amazon Warehouse. Amazon takes full responsibility of packing and shipping your product to respective customer ensuring more generation of sales for you.

This FBA program is benefitting 66% of the sellers on Amazon. You have to play smart with FBA strategies so that you get benefit from it.

These were a few of the tips which might help you in understanding the business concept of Amazon Pakistan.

General Tips:

a) Apart from these, make sure you are mindful of the products you are picking and promoting for sales purposes. As discussed earlier, it is important to know your niche and more important to pick your niche wisely.

b) Don’t go for every product, look into the sales numbers first and then pick a product.

c) Here keywords matter. Play smart with keywords in your review and product promotion.
Knowing SEO tactics will definitely make you stand out in the crowded market. Also, knowing SEO reflects on traffic generation.

d) Amazon usually has detailed titles of the products listed on the website. Ensure you are adjusting titles of the picked products according to the need of the traffic.

e) Go for Bullet-Point description for your products. It has many advantages, the biggest being user-friendly. No one likes to read paragraph but bullet-point.

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